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How to stop negative thoughts

by Tanya Freisler - Tanquatraining

Well… can’t - they are always going to be there. Contrast is good, it creates dynamism, energy and vibrancy. I suppose the question needs to be how can I minimise the effect of negative thoughts on how I feel and what I do……… 1. Ask the question is it real?

Many times we make assumptions on the reality of a situation based on what we have experienced historically but the thing is most times its bullshit- we have created a story around a perception in thought, word or short experience. Filling in the blanks to create whatever fairy tale suits the way we are thinking….. more often than not you have not seen or experienced what is around the moment that has triggered your thoughts- that’s why face book can be a negative trigger- you are only seeing an images or a 3 second take of a situation- then creating a story or event around that image – based on your experience – its not real. 2. Accept and acknowledge the negative thought…

As a good friend advised me, Welcome the thought in….. Hi how are you doing? Thanks for coming…. Come on in let’s just give you some love. Ok see you later bye… time for you to go. You know what…. This works 3. Turn it around, focus on something that makes you feel good, even if you just say to yourself, I love……… because …….

And state 10 things about why you love it or them.

The thing is, our brain doesn’t know the difference between real and made up.

But words and thoughts are thing’s…..What I mean is, whatever we tell ourselves has an impact on our experience and moves us towards that reality. Choose good stories and thoughts creating a positive experience! Check out 'The Work' by Byron Katie

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