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Design Your Life: How do you define you?

by Tanya Freisler - Tanquatraining

There are so many influences on our living experience, mental, emotional, historical, physical….. we are all the things we choose to hold onto.

How do you find your way back to the essential you?

Well……. Ok, its simple and it can be complicated- by our thought habits. Really, if you allow your self to be still and feel your way into what feels good for you and the things you love, you are one step closer to designing your life…….

1. Write down what you love to do, what you are good at and what makes you feel good. Make another list of what you don’t like to do, what you are not good at and what does not feel good

2. Now think about how you can include the things you love to do and feel into your life daily….it could be as simple as a favourite cup or smell. With the things you don’t like to do… can you delegate those tasks or minimise their effect in your life? What or who do you need to surround yourself with so that you can become more of what you love to be and do?

3.What is your why? Without a reason bigger than you, or the ‘thing’ you want there is no purpose. Break it down to the basic premise

eg I want to live in a positive community – so what?

  • I want to be surrounded by a positive community where I create connection daily – So what?

  • I want to be part of a positive community where I am recognised and have daily connection with the local café, and I have friends that come and drop in to go shopping in my garden- we share experiences, there is no judgement, they are comfortable with who they are, open to new experiences and thoughts and the adventure of life. We celebrate each others successes with genuine joy. – Sounds awesome

You can design your life so that you can experience all the things you dream of …..all change takes practise, consistent re - evaluation and adjustment….it’s a matter of being conscious about where you are, and where you want to be…. Then taking the steps towards that destination. Much like putting the destination into the navigation system in your car.

So, where are you heading?


Tanya Freisler

Tanya is from Sydney Australia. She is an Interior designer, mother of Etienne and Philippe, founder and Master Trainer of Tanqua training, owner of CKO Muay Thai Gym in Sydney and co-founder of Today I Rise: project on realising dreams.

Follow Tanya on Instagram @TANQUATRAINING

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